18 Miss. Code. R. 20-1-1-V.1.3

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-20-1-1-V.1.3 - DOE WX BIL WAP Definition of Children

In accordance with 10 CFR 440.3 and required by 10CFR 440.14(c) (6) (xiii), MS DOE WX BIL WAP defines children as household members that are under the age of nineteen (19) years old who have not been emancipated from minor status through marriage, or assumed the responsibility of an adult as provided by law, and is a member of the household at the time of application.

This procedure is consistent with the eligibility requirements for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program and is applied on a statewide basis.

All household members' status will be documented and maintained in Virtual Roma and individual client files for future references.

18 Miss. Code. R. 20-1-1-V.1.3

Amended 10/20/2019
Amended 11/23/2020
Amended 11/7/2021
Amended 1/6/2023
Amended 7/10/2023