18 Miss. Code. R. 2-2.12

Current through January 14, 2025
A.Definition and Purpose

Information and Referral/Assistance is a service designed to support consumers and caregivers in assessing their needs, identifying the most appropriate services to meet their needs and linking them with the agency providing the services. Information and Referral/Assistance is designed to assist consumers and caregivers calling for assistance, in-person requests for assistance and proactively through outreach.

The purpose of Information and Referral/Assistance is to:

1) Inform older individuals of the available opportunities, services, resources and programs in the community.
2) Assist older individual in identifying their needs and the type of assistance they require.
3) Assist older persons in remaining independent and in their communities by connecting them with needed services and informing them of programs and services for which they are eligible.
4) Increase older persons' knowledge and awareness of public and private services and resources available to them.
5) Make appropriate referral by linking and connecting elderly clients with needed services.
6) Conduct follow-up to ensure appropriate services have been provided.

Anyone 60 years of age and older or inquiring on behalf of older persons disabled and/or 60 years of age and older is eligible for Information and Referral/Assistance. Priority shall be given to older individuals who are in greatest economic and social need, with preference given to low-income minority individuals and to those older persons residing in rural or geographically isolated areas. Families and caregivers of elderly persons may also receive Information and Referral/Assistance for needed services.

C.Unit of Service

One unit of service equals one elderly client contact or contact with a person on behalf of an elderly person.

D.Minimum Program Requirements

Information and Referral/Assistance must be provided by Area Agency on Agency staff for services funded by Title III of the Older Americans Act or other funds through an Area Plan. Information and Referral/Assistance staff must adhere to the following program requirements established by the Division of Aging and Adult Services.

1)Service Activities

The Information and Referral/Assistance Specialist will:

a. Develop and maintain resources in the state approved online resource database on available public and private providers in the community that are responsive to the needs of the elderly person and the caregiver.
b. Update the state approved online resource database as often as changes occur; but not less than annually.
c. Receive all incoming calls from elderly individuals, caregivers and the general public according to Information and Referral/Assistance delivery characteristics (See page 3).
d. Maintain confidentiality of personal information obtained from a client. The client has the right to confidentiality regarding his/her case record.
e. Recruit and train volunteers to be utilized in the delivery of Information and Referral services.
2)Location of Service

Information and Referral/Assistance will be provided by the Area Agency on Aging staff to ensure accessibility to the elderly population, 60 years and older, and to the disabled population within the planning and service area of the Area Agency on Aging.

3)Access to Service

The client may enter the service system at any point from any source (telephone, written referral, walk-in, media advertisement, friend, relative, neighbor, faith-based organization, senior center, adult day care center, hospital, civic or social organization, federal, state or local government agency, etc.). Information and Referral/Assistance must be available during normal business hours, Monday through Friday.

4)Delivery Characteristics
a. Receive all incoming calls from elderly individuals, caregivers and the general public.
b. Collect and document contact information and demographics on all incoming calls using the state approved client tracking system.
c. Evaluate all inquiries to determine whether the client is seeking service(s) or information.
d. Callers seeking information will be provided accurate information and scheduled for a fourteen (14) day follow-up.
e. Callers seeking services they are not eligible for according to the client contact information and demographics collected will be provided alternate information appropriate to their need and scheduled for a fourteen (14) day follow-up.
f. Callers seeking services they may be eligible for according to the client information and demographics collected will be forwarded to the appropriate program specialist and are scheduled for a fourteen (14) day follow-up.
(i) The program specialist will provide the pre-populated Consumer Information

Form (CIF) from the care tool to the appropriate person tasked with completing the CIF.

(ii) The completed CIF is returned to the program specialist to determine service eligibility.
(iii) Client determined eligible will be either scheduled for the service or placed on the waiting list in the state approved client tracking system
(iv). Client determined ineligible will be provided information on alternate resources according to need.
a. The Area Agency on Aging must employ a qualified person responsible for coordinating the operation of the Information and Referral/Assistance program and maintaining the state approved online resource database.
b. There must be an adequate number of qualified staff or volunteers to perform the day-to-day operation of the Information and Referral/Assistance program.
c. All Information and Referral/Assistance staff must be able to communicate with the elderly who have speech, visual or hearing impairment.
d. All Information and Referral/Assistance staff must be knowledgeable of the available services and resources in the community.
e. Volunteers utilized must meet the same requirements of paid staff.
f. All staff (paid or volunteer) must receive specialized training that consists of:
(i) Information on available community service providers and resources;
(ii) The agency's operational policies and procedures;
(iii) Completing screening/intake, referral and assessment forms; and,
(iv) How to use the state approved online resource database and Resource Directory to collect, organize, update and retrieve information on a continuous basis.

18 Miss. Code. R. 2-2.12

Older Americans Act of 1965, As Amended 2006 ( Public Law 109-365 ), Section 373(e) (1)