The Mississippi State Department of Health will maintain a record of substantiated parental complaints against child care providers. This function is performed on behalf of MDHS in order to comply with federal requirements by maintaining a Child Care Facility Complaint Hotline for use by the public. The complaint hotline number, and all substantiated parent complaints are available by link on the consumer education website.
Any complaint made to MDHS against a child care provider may be referred to MSDH. All such complaints shall be logged and maintained by MSDH. MSDH is responsible for investigating each complaint filed against a child care provider. MSDH may request assistance from MDHS, as needed, during a complaint investigation. MSDH will maintain records of complaints made against a child care provider, these records may be obtained by making a Public Records request to MSDH.
The MDHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) will conduct investigations of suspected intentional program violations from child care providers and/or recipients stemmed from fraud tips, data matching, quality control reviews, Child Care Payment Program generated system reports or any other reliable source.
18 Miss. Code. R. 17-9.2