Note: This section describes activities that the state may support with CSBG remainder/discretionary funds, described under Section 675C(b)(1) of the CSBG Act. The state may indicate planned use of remainder/discretionary funds for linkage/communication activities in Section 7, State Use of Funds, items 7.9(b) and (c).
Note: This response will link to the corresponding CSBG assurance, Item 14.5. In addition, this information is associated with State Accountability Measure 7Sa and pre-populates the Annual Report, Module 1, Item G.1.
[x]State Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) office
[x]State Weatherization office
[x]State Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) office
[]Head Start State Collaboration offices
[]State public health office
[]State education department
[x]State Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) agency
[x]State budget office
[x]Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
[]State child welfare office State housing office
The State has established working relationships with Dept. of Medicaid, Rehabilitation Services, Workforce Development, and internal department programs such as SNAP, Aging Programs, Youth Services, Child Support, TANF, etc. to address needs of the family. IRS, Energy Vendors, United Way, Salvation Army, Public Service Commission are other partnerships that the State maintains. We meet with them periodically regarding programs and program changes. We invite partners to our annual conference. We conduct Energy Vendor meetings annually.
Through case management, low-income families are assessed and referred to other DHS programs and local programs. Entities are required to develop partnerships and pool resources with social service providers, local organizations, religious organizations to increase support and opportunities for low-income families and communities, and to avoid duplication of services. To fully address the needs of families and to evaluate the outcome of their work, entities must follow up with families to ensure services were provided by the organizations they were referred to. We require as part of their proposals that they submit proof of their partnership and linkages before grants are approved.
The State requires eligible entities to submit documentation on their partnerships with other service providers and organizations as part of their community action plan in their subgrants for funding. Eligible entities link families to resources within the entity and within the community. Outcomes from these linkages are reported as part of their NPIs.
Note: This response will link to the corresponding CSBG assurance, Item 14.5. and pre-populates the Annual Report, Module 1, Item G.3a.
Eligible entities are required as part of their community action plan to develop partnerships with local and state social service providers, religious organizations, local governments to fill gaps in the services the entity cannot provide. Referrals are made and follow up is done to ensure services were delivered. The State assures this requirement by requiring entities to submit a list of the local and other partnerships to fill gaps in their service delivery, as part of their annual subgrant for funding.
Note: This response will link to the corresponding CSBG assurance, Item 14.3b. and pre-populates the Annual Report, Module 1, Item G.3b.
Note: This response will link to the corresponding CSBG assurance, Item 14.5.
MDHS has a Division of Workforce Development which participates in the statewide WIOA employment and training activities. Eligible entities coordinate their CSBG employment and training activities with the local WIOA.
Note: This response will link to the corresponding CSBG assurance, Item 14.6.
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is administered by eligible entities. They are required as part of the community action plan to coordinate LIHEAP services as part of a case plan for low-income families. Entities are required to work with local energy providers to resolve crisis situations, provide energy saving materials, and conduct energy conservation workshops. The State allocates a percentage of discretionary funds for federal or state-declared disasters to provide emergency services.
Describe how the state will assure local eligible entities will coordinate and form partnerships with other organizations, including faith-based organizations, charitable groups, and community organizations, according to the state's assurance under Section 676(b)(9) of the CSBG Act.
Note: this response will link to the corresponding assurance, Item 14.9
The State requires eligible entities to submit documentation on their partnerships with other service providers and organizations, including faith-based, charitable and community organizations as part of their community action plan in their subgrants for funding. The documentation addresses referrals to and from each partner, and the services to be provided by the entity and the partner. Many of these organizations are represented on the eligible entity's board of directors.
Describe how the eligible entities will coordinate CSBG 90 percent funds with other public and private resources, according to the assurance under Section 676(b)(3)(C) of the CSBG Act.
Note: This response will link to the corresponding assurance, Item 14.3c.
Eligible entities use their CSBG funds to leverage additional public and private resources, which assist with achieving outcomes within the framework of the national goals. CSBG resources are used to support the infrastructure of the entities to include sound governance, fiscal, programmatic, and personnel management. This results in greater accountability and capacity, thus enabling entities to leverage public and private resources through their community outreach and partnerships. As reported in the 2022 Leveraging Report, eligible entities leveraged $2,198,255.
Describe state activities for supporting coordination among the eligible entities and the State Community Action Association.
Note: This information will pre-populate the Annual Report, Module 1, Item G.5.
In FFY 2025, a percentage of CSBG discretionary funds will be contracted to the State Association to support training and technical assistance needs of the eligible entities, quality improvement, and other state-wide initiatives. The State meets with the State Association on a regular basis to discuss program requirements and updates. The State Association convenes an annual conference in which the State partners and provide training based on the topics outlined in the CSBG T&TA Plan.
For any topic that is not applicable, select Not Applicable under Expected Frequency.
Communication Plan
Subject Matter | Expected Frequency | Format | Brief Description of "Other" |
Upcoming Public and/or Legislative Hearings | Annually | ||
State Plan Development | Annually | ||
Organizational Standards Progress | Annually | ||
State Accountability Measures Progress | Annually | ||
Community Needs Assessments/Community Action Plans | Annually | Letters/Hard Copies | |
State Monitoring Plans and Policies | Annually | ||
Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Plans | Annually | ||
ROMA and Performance Management | Quarterly | ||
State Interagency Coordination | Annually | ||
CSBG Legislative/Programmatic Updates | Annually | ||
Tripartite Board Requirements | Annually | ||
Click or tap here to enter text. | Choose an item. | Choose an item. |
Note:ADD-A-ROW FUNCTION - States can add rows for each additional communication topic. To add a row within this form: highlight the row and then select the plus sign (+) at the end of the row. Brief Description of "Other" allows for 250 characters.
Note: This information is associated with State Accountability Measure 5S(iii) and will pre-populate the Annual Report, Module 1, Item G.6.
GUIDANCE: Under this question, include how the state will provide information to local entities and state associations within 60 days of receiving feedback from OCS. |
Communication by letter or memo will be sent to eligible entities and the State Association regarding performance on the State Accountability Measures. Entities will be asked to respond within 30 days. Emails, phone calls, and one-on-one consultations are conducted as needed.
Note: This information is associated with State Accountability Measures 7Sb; this response may pre-populate the state's annual report form.
The State will conduct compliance reviews with the entities to address issues, policy, and training needs of the entities. A report will be sent to all entities for comment before final adjustments are made. The State continues to upgrade the Virtual ROMA system, which will allow for more electronic communication to and from the State. Smartsheet and Virtual ROMA 2 (current system) are used to provide information and communication to the entities, and they can provide feedback as well.
18 Miss. Code. R. 15-1-1-9