CSBG is administered by the Mississippi Department of Human Services (MDHS)- Division of Community Services. MDHS is a primary link between families and individuals with specific needs vital to their survival and the services available to meet those needs.
The Mississippi Department of Human Services is dedicated to serving others while providing a wide range of public assistance programs, social services and support for children, low-income individuals and families. The agency seeks to empower families so they can become self-sufficient and responsible for their future success through:
Professional, accountable, and responsible administration of CSBG; Development of effective partnerships with CSBG entities, MDHS-DCS, the state association and other State and Federal programs serving low-income individuals.
GUIDANCE: States should consider feedback from OCS, their eligible entities, and the ACSI survey completed by eligible entities when creating their State Plan goals. |
Instructional Note: For examples of "goals," see State Accountability Measure 1Sa(i).
Note: This information is associated with State Accountability Measure 1Sa(i) and pre-populates the state's Annual Report, Module 1, Item B.1.
The State plans to focus on extensive training for state and Subgrantees in various areas, in conjunction with T&TA plan through RPIC.
[x]State Performance Indicators and/or National Performance Indicators (NPIs)
[x]U.S. Census data
[x]State performance management data (e.g., accountability measures, ACSI survey information, and/or other information from annual reports)
[]Monitoring Visits/Assessments
[]Tools not identified above (specify)
[x]Eligible entity community needs assessments
[x]Eligible entity community action plans
[x]Public Hearings/Workshops
[]Tools not identified above (e.g., state required reports) [specify]
[x]Eligible entities (e.g., meetings, conferences, webinars; not including the public hearing)
[x]State Association
[]National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP)
[]Community Action Partnership (The Partnership)
[]Community Action Program Legal Services (CAPLAW)
[]CSBG Tribal Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) provider
[]Regional Performance Innovation Consortium (RPIC)
[]Association for Nationally Certified ROMA Trainers (ANCRT)
[]Federal CSBG Office
[]Organizations not identified above (specify)
Note: This information is associated with State Accountability Measures 1Sa(ii) and may pre-populate the state's annual report form.
A copy of the draft state plan was emailed to the eligible entities and the state association. The State attended an association meeting to discuss the state plan and asked for comments and suggestions. The state plan was added to the Virtual ROMA website for all eligible entity staff to provide feedback. The state plan was presented at the public hearing for input and comments. Comments will be accepted through July 19, 2024.
Note: This information is associated with State Accountability Measures 1Sb(i) and (ii) and pre-populate the Annual Report, Module 1, Item B.1.
The State's process allows the state plan to be electronically submitted to entities which improves the efficiency of responses from all entity staff to include all levels (case workers, receptionists, etc.). We received feedback from the agencies regarding the funding distribution process and the state has made changes accordingly to some of the suggestions.
Year One: 75% Year Two: Click or tap here to enter text.
Instructional Note: The state's target score will indicate improvement or maintenance of the states' Overall Satisfaction score from the most recent American Customer Survey Index (ACSI) survey of the state's eligible entities.
Note: Item 3.5 is associated with State Accountability Measure 8S and may pre-populate the state's annual report form.
GUIDANCE: The targets reported here should match the future target set in the Annual Report, Section B, Table B.2. GUIDANCE: Review the ACSI IM about setting targets for your eligible entity overall satisfaction that are realistic, reasonable, attainable, and possible. |
18 Miss. Code. R. 15-1-1-3