Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 18-14-32.11 - Public Assistance HouseholdsA. Public assistance households have the same requirement to report changes as any other SNAP household.B. There can be a joint change reporting form for both SNAP and public assistance purposes.C. MDHS cannot terminate SNAP benefits solely because it has terminated the household's public assistance benefits.D. If a household change in circumstance results in a reduction or termination of the public assistance payment as well as a reduction or termination of SNAP benefits and MDHS has sufficient information to determine how the change will affect SNAP eligibility and benefit levels, MDHS must: 1. Issue a single notice of adverse action for the SNAP and public assistance actions.2. Continue benefits on the basis authorized immediately prior to sending the notice if the household requests a fair hearing within the time limits provided in the notice of adverse action.3. The household must reapply for SNAP if the SNAP certification period ends prior to the completion of the fair hearing process.E. If a household change in circumstance results in a reduction or termination of the public assistance payment, but will increase the SNAP benefits and MDHS has sufficient information to determine how the change will affect SNAP eligibility and benefit levels, MDHS must:1. Issue a TANF notice of adverse action, but not take any action to increase the SNAP benefits until the household decides whether it will appeal the adverse action.2. If the household decides to appeal and the public assistance benefits are continued, then the SNAP benefits must continue at the previous basis.3. If the household does not appeal, the change must be acted upon within 10 days from the date the TANF notice of adverse action period expires.F. If a household change in circumstance results in a reduction or termination of the public assistance payment, but MDHS does not have sufficient information to determine how the change will affect SNAP eligibility and benefit levels (such as when an absent parent returns to the household), MDHS must:1. Issue a request for information notice along with the TANF notice of adverse action.2. Before taking further action, MDHS must wait until the household's TANF notice of adverse action time period expires or until the household requests a fair hearing, whichever occurs first.3. If the household requests a fair hearing and elects to have its TANF benefits continue pending the appeal, then MDHS must continue the SNAP benefits at the same basis.4. If the household does not request a fair hearing and continue its TANF benefits, then MDHS must resume action on the changes.5. If a TANF notice of adverse action is not required, MDHS must issue a request for information and take the appropriate action, if necessary, to close the case or adjust the benefit level.18 Miss. Code. R. 14-32.11