18 Miss. Code. R. 14-20.6

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 18-14-20.6 - Disallowable Self-Employment Expenses

The following self-employment expenses are not allowable costs of doing business in determining net self-employment income:

A. Depreciation;
B. Income taxes (federal, state or local);
C. Net losses from previous periods;
D. Work-related personal expenses including, but not limited to, transportation to and from the work site;
E. Money set aside for retirement purposes; and
F. Any amounts that exceeds the payment a household receives from a boarder for lodging and meals;

18 Miss. Code. R. 14-20.6

7 CFR §273.11(b)(2)
Adopted 3/15/2022
Amended 10/20/2023
Amended 12/9/2024