18 Miss. Code. R. 14-2.8

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 18-14-2.8 - Valid Signatures
A. Handwritten signatures are accepted.
B. Applications signed with a "mark" must also have the signature of a witness.
C. Electronic signatures through fax or other electronic transmissions are acceptable.
D. Recorded telephonic verbal assent (consisting of an audio recording of the household's verbal assent and a summary of the information to which the household assents) is a valid signature; however, MDHS currently only accepts telephonic signatures through our SNAP Outreach Partner.

18 Miss. Code. R. 14-2.8

7 CFR §273.2(c)(7)(vi-viii)
Adopted 3/15/2022
Amended 10/20/2023
Amended 12/9/2024