All archaeological studies (whether reconnaissance, Phase I survey, Phase II testing, or Phase III data recovery) shall be preceded by a literature review and records search. This search will include a review of the Mississippi Archaeological Site Files to identify previously recorded sites in and near the project area, as well as other sources to provide the prehistoric and historic context for the study. Researchers should examine pertinent holdings in some or all of the following institutions (See NRHP Bulletin #39 for more information):
The Historic Preservation Division, Mississippi Department of Archives and History, maintains a library of archaeological assessment reports and NRHP files on archaeological sites nominated for or listed on the NRHP. Although the NRHP listing is available in published and electronic form, these lists only include those sites already listed and not properties whose eligibility has been determined or whose listing may be pending. In addition, there are architectural files for standing structures (extant and non-extant) that may have archaeological resources or the potential to have archaeological resources associated with them that may be within the proposed project area.
16 Miss. Code. R. 3-12.6.1