16 Miss. Code. R. 160.3.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 16-160.3.2 - Loans from Collections and Restrictions

In the interest of equitable access to materials/formats, the Library Commission reserves the right to limit the maximum number of materials loaned to a user and the types of materials to be loaned.

A. Loan periods for library materials from the Primary Resource Collection of the Library Commission shall be determined based on material type, format, and user class.
B. Loan periods and other parameters for materials from the Blind and Physically Handicapped Collection shall follow the procedures and guidelines for service set forth by National Library Service (NLS). Loan periods for Blind and Physically Handicapped Collection materials not provided by NLS shall be determined based on material type and format.

16 Miss. Code. R. 160.3.2

Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated § 39-3-107 (Rev. 1988).