16 Miss. Code. R. 150.2.3

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 16-150.2.3 - Procedures for Requesting Access to Records

Public access to Library Commission non-exempt records shall be governed by the following procedures:

A. Individuals desiring to obtain access to public records information held by the Library Commission should make a written request, signed by the individual or duly authorized agent, either by mail to the Executive Director or in person at the Library Commission offices during normal working hours.
B. Requests for public records shall be received and the request acted upon during the regular business hours.
C. The written request and the envelope must be plainly marked "Request for Public Records." Failure to so mark the request may delay the Library Commission's response.
D. The written request shall describe in reasonable detail the records sought. The request should include, if possible, a description of the type of records, dates, title of a publication, and other information which may aid in locating the records.
E. The written request shall:
1. Specify whether requestor proposes to access record by inspection or copying.
2. State date and time for proposed activity.
3. State number of persons scheduled to participate.
4. Provide name, address, and home and office telephone number of requestor.

16 Miss. Code. R. 150.2.3

Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated § 39-3-107 (Rev. 1988).