15 Miss. Code. R. 9-97-6.3.5

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-9-97-6.3.5 - Contract Budget Modifications

Grantees are allowed to request approval to modify their MQHC Grant program project budget. The budget line items for fringe benefits and indirect costs will not be approved in excess of the maximum percentages allowed by the MSDH. Grantees are required to submit the MQHC Grant Program Budget Modification Packet to the MSDH and obtain approval.

MQHC Grantees will be notified in writing by the MSDH of the approval or denial of the MQHC project budget modification request.

15 Miss. Code. R. 9-97-6.3.5

Miss. Code Ann.§ 41-99-5
Adopted 11/26/2017
Amended 10/19/2020