15 Miss. Code. R. 9-101-3.2.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-9-101-3.2.1

To ensure that the Committee has broad representation and a sufficient number of members to review applications, Rural Hospitals are limited to having one (1) representative serve on the Committee at a time. The Committee shall be made up of the following entities/persons:

1. A banker with experience lending to rural hospitals/entities.
2. One (1) representative from the Mississippi Hospital Association
3. Mississippi State Department of Health, Chief Financial Officer
4. One (1) representative from the Mississippi State Department of Health, Division of Health Facilities Licensure and Certification
5. One (1) representative from the Mississippi State Department of Health, Division of Health Planning and Resource Development
6. One attorney from the Mississippi State Department of Health, Office of General Counsel
7. Mississippi State Department of Health, Senior Deputy
8. One Rural Hospital Chief Executive Officer (limited to a two (2) year term)
9. One Rural Hospital Chief Financial Officer (limited to a two (2) year term)

15 Miss. Code. R. 9-101-3.2.1

House Bill 365, 2022 Regular Legislative Session
Adopted 7/1/2022