Current through January 14, 2025
Section 15-8-90-05-516.01 - Policy Statement Regarding Certificate of Need Applications for the Acquisition of Open-Heart Surgery Equipment and/or the Offering of Open-Heart Surgery Services1.Service Areas: The need for open-heart surgery equipment/services shall be determined using the nine designated Cardiac Catheterization/Open-Heart Surgery Planning Areas (CC/OHSPAs) presented in this chapter of the Plan. Map 5-2 shows the CC/OHSPAs.2.CC/OHSPA Need Determination: The need for open-heart surgery equipment/services within a given CC/OHSPA shall be determined independently of all other CC/OHSPAs.3.Pediatric Open-Heart Surgery: Because the number of pediatric patients requiring open-heart surgery is relatively small, the provision of open-heart surgery for neonates, infants, and young children shall be restricted to those facilities currently providing the service.4.Present Utilization of Open-Heart Surgery Equipment/Services: MSDH shall consider utilization of existing open-heart surgery equipment/ services and the presence of valid CONs for open-heart surgery equipment/services within a given CC/OHSPA when reviewing CON applications. MSDH shall not consider utilization of equipment/services at any hospital owned and/or operated by the state or its agencies when reviewing CON applications. MSDH may collect and consider any additional information it deems essential, including information regarding access to care, to render a decision regarding any application.5.CON Application Analysis: At its discretion, MSDH may use market share analysis and other methodologies in the analysis of a CON application for the acquisition or otherwise control of open-heart surgery equipment and/or the offering of open-heart surgery services. The Department shall not rely upon market share analysis or other statistical evaluations if they are found inadequate to address access to care concerns.6.Minimum CC/OHSPA Population: A minimum population base of 100,000 in a CC/OHSPA (as projected by the Division of Health Planning and Resource Development) is required before such equipment/services may be considered. The total population within a given CC/OHSPA shall be used when determining the need for services. Population outside an applicant's CC/OHSPA will be considered in determining need only when the applicant submits adequate documentation acceptable to MSDH, such as valid patient origin studies.7.Minimum Caseload: Applicants proposing to offer adult open-heart surgery services must be able to project a caseload of at least 150 open-heart surgeries per year.8.Residence of Medical Staff: Open-heart surgery must be under the control of and performed by personnel living and working within the specific hospital area. No site shall be approved for the provision of services by traveling teams.15 Miss. Code. R. 8-90-05-516.01