15 Miss. Code. R. 8-90-05-504.01

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 15-8-90-05-504.01 - Policy Statement Regarding Certificate of Need Applications for Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals and Long-Term Acute Care Hospital Beds
1.Restorative Care Admissions: Restorative care admissions shall be identified as patients with one or more of the following conditions or disabilities:
a. Neurological Disorders
i. Head Injury
ii. Spinal Cord Trauma
iii. Perinatal Central Nervous System Insult
iv. Neoplastic Compromise
v. Brain Stem Trauma
vi. Cerebral Vascular Accident
vii. Chemical Brain Injuries
b. Central Nervous System Disorders
i. Motor Neuron Diseases
ii. Post Polio Status
iii. Developmental Anomalies
iv. Neuromuscular Diseases (e.g. Multiple Sclerosis)
v. Phrenic Nerve Dysfunction
vi. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
c. Cardio-Pulmonary Disorders
i. Obstructive Diseases
ii. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
iii. Congestive Heart Failure
iv. Respiratory Insufficiency
v. Respiratory Failure
vi. Restrictive Diseases
vii. Broncho-Pulmonary Dysplasia
viii. Post Myocardial Infarction
ix. Central Hypoventilation
d. Pulmonary Cases
i. Presently Ventilator-Dependent/Weanable
ii. Totally Ventilator-Dependent/Not Weanable
iii. Requires assisted or partial ventilator support
iv. Tracheostomy that requires supplemental oxygen and bronchial hygiene
2.Bed Licensure: All beds designated as long-term care hospital beds shall be licensed as general acute care.
3.Average Length of Stay: Patients' average length of stay in a long-term care hospital must be twenty-five (25) calendar days or more.
4.Size of Facility: Establishment of a long-term care hospital shall not be for less than twenty (20) beds.
5.Long-Term Medical Care: A long-term acute care hospital shall provide chronic or long-term medical care to patients who do not require more than three (3) hours of rehabilitation or comprehensive rehabilitation per day.
6.Transfer Agreement: A long-term acute care hospital shall have a transfer agreement with an acute care medical center and a comprehensive medical rehabilitation facility.
7.Addition or Conversion of Beds: Effective July 1, 1994, no health care facility shall be authorized to add any beds or convert any beds to another category of beds without a CON under the authority of Section 41-7-191(1)(c), unless there is a projected need for such beds in the planning district in which the facility is located.

15 Miss. Code. R. 8-90-05-504.01

Amended 12/1/2014
Amended 3/1/2016
Adopted 7/1/2018
Amended 12/9/2018
Amended 2/20/2022
Amended 5/29/2023