15 Miss. Code. R. 8-90-04-403.01

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 15-8-90-04-403.01 - Policy Statement Regarding Certificate of Need Applications for the Offering of Obstetrical Services
1. Indigent/Charity Care: An applicant is required to provide a reasonable amount of indigent/charity care as described in Chapter 1 of this Plan.
2. Perinatal Planning Areas (PPA): MSDH shall determine the need for obstetrical services using the Perinatal Planning Areas as outlined on Map 4-2 at the end of this chapter.
3. Travel Time: Obstetrical services should be available within one (1) hour normal travel time of ninety-five percent (95%) of the population in rural areas and within thirty (30) minutes normal travel time in urban areas.
4. Preference in CON Decisions: The MSDH shall give preference in CON decisions to applications that propose to improve existing services and to reduce costs through consolidation of two basic obstetrical services into a larger, more efficient service over the addition of new services or the expansion of single service providers.
5. Patient Education: Obstetrical service providers shall offer an array of family planning and related maternal and child health education programs that are readily accessible to current and prospective patients.
6. Levels of Care: All hospitals providing obstetric and newborn services will be designated a perinatal level of care by MSDH, based upon its functional capabilities to provide risk-appropriate care for pregnant women and neonates. The levels of care will be divided into four levels defined in accordance with the 2012 policy statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics, (PEDIATRICS Vol. 130, No. 3, September 2012) and maternal standards set forth by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists with modifications approved by MSDH. The levels are:

Level I- Basic Care, Well newborn nursery

Level II- Specialty Care, Special care nursery

Level III- Sub-specialty Care, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Level IV- Regional Care

Details of the levels are outlined in section 405.03 of the State Health Plan.

7. An applicant proposing to offer obstetrical services shall be equipped to provide perinatal services in accordance with the guidelines contained in the Minimum Standards of Operation for Mississippi Hospitals 130, Obstetrics and Newborn Nursery. All hospitals offering obstetric and newborn care shall conform to the practice guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Policy Statement, Levels of Care and professional standards established in the Guidelines for the Operations of Perinatal Units.
8. An applicant proposing to offer obstetrical services shall agree to provide an amount of care to Medicaid mothers/babies comparable to the average percentage of Medicaid care offered by other providers of the requested service within the same, or most proximate, geographic area.

15 Miss. Code. R. 8-90-04-403.01

Amended 12/1/2014
Amended 3/1/2016
Adopted 7/1/2018
Amended 12/9/2018
Amended 11/20/2021
Amended 2/20/2022
Amended 5/29/2023