15 Miss. Code. R. 8-90-03-306.03.05

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 15-8-90-03-306.03.05 - Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility Beds/Services

Need Criterion 1: Statistical Need for Psychiatric Residential Treatment Beds

MSDH shall base statistical need for psychiatric residential treatment beds on a ratio of 0.5 beds per 1,000 population aged five (5) to nineteen (19) for 2023 in the state as a whole as projected by the Division of Health Planning and Resource Development. Table 3-8 presents the statistical need for psychiatric residential treatment facility beds.

Need Criterion 2: Age Group to be Served

The application shall state the age group that the applicant will serve in the psychiatric residential treatment facility and the number of beds dedicated to each age group (5 to 13, 14 to 17, and 18 to 21).

Need Criterion 3: Structural Design of Facility

The applicant shall describe the structural design of the facility for the provision of services to children less than fourteen (14) years of age. Of the beds needed for psychiatric residential treatment facility services, twenty-five (25) beds are hereby set aside exclusively for the treatment of children less than fourteen (14) years of age. An applicant proposing to provide psychiatric residential treatment facility services to children less than fourteen (14) years of age shall make provision for the treatment of these patients in units which are programmatically and physically distinct from the units occupied by patients older than thirteen (13) years of age. A facility may house both categories of patients if both the physical design and staffing ratios provide for separation.

Need Criterion 4: Bed Count as Authorized by the Legislature

This criterion does not preclude more than twenty-five (25) psychiatric residential treatment facility beds being authorized for the treatment of patients less than fourteen (14) years of age. However, MSDH shall not approve more psychiatric residential treatment facility beds statewide than specifically authorized by legislation. This authorization is limited to 334 beds for the entire state.

Need Criterion 5: Proposed Size of Facility/Unit

The applicant shall provide information regarding the proposed size of the facility/unit. A psychiatric residential treatment facility should provide services in a homelike environment. Ideally, a facility should provide cottage-style living units not exceeding fifteen (15) beds. A psychiatric residential treatment facility should not be larger than sixty (60) beds.

Need Criterion 6: Staffing

The applicant shall provide documentation regarding the staffing of the facility. Staff should be specially trained to meet the treatment needs of the age category of patients being served. Staff should include both psychiatrists and psychologists and should provide a multi-discipline psychosocial medical approach to treatment. The treatment program must involve parents and/or significant others. Aftercare/follow-up services must also be provided.

Table 3-6

Statewide Acute Psychiatric Bed Need 2025

Bed Category and Ratio

2025 Projected Population

Projected Beed Need

Licensed beds


Adult Psychiatric: 0.21 beds per 1,000 population aged 18+





Child/ Adolescent Psychiatric: 0.55 beds per 1,000 population aged 5 to 17





Source(s): Applications for Renewal of Hospital License for FY 2020; State Data Center of Mississippi, University of Mississippi Center for Population Studies

Table 3-7

Statewide Chemical Dependency Bed Need 2025

Bed Category and Ratio

2025 Projected Population

Projected Bed Need

Licensed Beds

CON Approved Beds


Adult Chemical Dependency: 0.14 beds per 1,000 population aged 18+






Child/ Adolescent Chemical Dependency: 0.44 beds per 1,000 population aged 5 to 17





Source(s): Applications for Renewal of Hospital License for FY 2020; State Data Center of Mississippi, University of Mississippi Center for Population Studies

Table 3-8

Statewide Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility Bed Need 2023

Age Cohort

Bed Ratio per 1,000 Population

2023 Projected Population

Projected Bed Need

Licensed/CON Approved


5 to 19






Source(s): Applications for Renewal of Hospital License for FY 2020; State Data Center of Mississippi, University of Mississippi Center for Population Studies

15 Miss. Code. R. 8-90-03-306.03.05

Amended 12/1/2014
Amended 3/1/2016
Adopted 7/1/2018
Amended 12/9/2018
Amended 11/20/2021
Amended 2/20/2022
Amended 5/29/2023