15 Miss. Code. R. 19-60-4.8.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-19-60-4.8.1 - Standards of Conduct

Individuals who are certified may, at the discretion of the Board, have their certification suspended, revoked, or denied at the time of renewal if the Board determines that the individual is guilty of any of the following:

1. Is guilty of fraud or deceit in procuring or attempting to procure a certification or renewal of certification to perform eye enucleation.
2. Is unfit or incompetent by reason of gross ignorance, negligence, habits, or other causes of incompetence.
3. Is habitually intemperate in the use of alcoholic beverage.
4. Is convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude.
5. Is knowingly practicing while suffering with a contagious or infectious disease.
6. Is addicted to, or has improperly obtained, possessed, used, or distributed habit-forming drugs or narcotics.
7. Is guilty of dishonest or unethical conduct.
8. Has performed eye enucleation after his certification has expired or has been suspended.
9. Has practice eye enucleation under cover of any permit or license illegally or fraudulently obtained or issued.
10. Has violated, aided, or abetted others in violation of any provision of law, or these regulations.
11. Has engaged in any conduct considered by the Board to be detrimental to the profession of eye enucleation, or the practice of funeral service, as defined in section 1-3 of these regulations.

15 Miss. Code. R. 19-60-4.8.1

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-39-11.