Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-19-60-11.1.2 - Definitions1. "Act" shall mean Sections 73-61-1 and 3 et seq. Of Mississippi Code of 1972, annotated.2. "Autoclave" shall mean a steam sterilizer, which operates at a minimum of 250 degrees Fahrenheit (121 degrees Celsius) at pressure of at least 15 pounds per square inch for not less than 30 minutes for the purpose of killing all organisms and spores, or other such sterilizing unit as approved by the Department.3. "Board" shall mean the Mississippi State Board of Health.4. "Tattoo", "tattooed", " tattooing" shall mean any means to make indelible marks or designs on or visible through the skin of a human by puncturing or pricking the skin with a needle or other instrument and inserting ink or other pigments.5. "Body Piercing" shall mean the creation of an opening in any part of the human body, other than the outer perimeter or lobe of the ear, for the purpose of inserting jewelry or other decorative object, or for some other non-medical purpose.6. "Department" shall mean the Mississippi Department of Health.7. "Direct on-site supervision" shall mean face-to-face oversight, at regular intervals, by a tattooist or body piercer registered pursuant to these regulations, who shall be present in the establishment at all times that the provisional registrant is performing a procedure and shall co-sign the consent form for each procedure.8."Direct order" shall mean when a Physician provides instructions, either verbally or written to the permanent makeup artist regarding patient treatment.9. "Establishment" shall mean a location that has passed inspection by the Department, wherein tattooing and/or body piercing is performed, and to which an individual is registered to perform tattooing and/or body piercing.10."Permanent Makeup" shall mean a tattoo, whether permanent, semipermanent, or temporary, which includes eyebrows, eyelids, lips, and other parts of the body for beauty marks, hair imitation, lash enhancement, or areola re-pigmentation. This term includes any procedures whether referred to as, without limitation, permanent makeup, micro-derma-pigmentation, micro-pigment implantation, microblading, micro-needling with the use of pigment, derma-graphics, cosmetic tattooing, or any other similar procedures and for the purpose of these Regulations has the same meaning as tattoo.11. "Provisional Certificate of Registration" shall mean the certificate issued by the Department certifying that a particular individual is registered to perform tattooing and/or body piercing at a specific establishment, only under the on-site direct technical supervision of an individual with a "Regular Certificate of Registration."12. "Regular Certificate of Registration" shall mean the certificate issued by the Department certifying that a particular individual is registered to perform tattooing and/or body piercing at a specific establishment.13."Single-Use" shall mean products or items that are intended for one-time, one-person use and are disposed of after use on each client. This includes, but is not limited to, cotton swabs or balls, tissues or paper products, paper or plastic cups, gauze and sanitary coverings, razors, piercing needles, tattoo needles, scalpel blades, stencils, ink cups, and protective gloves.14. "Sterilization" shall mean sterilization by means of an autoclave.15."Tattoo Convention or Expo" shall mean the gathering of licensed tattoo artists and/or body piercers who band together to provide services for a limited amount of time at a specific location.16. "Work Area" shall mean the area or section of the establishment in which the tattooing and/or body piercing is performed.15 Miss. Code. R. 19-60-11.1.2
Miss. Code Ann. § 73-61-1 and Miss. Code Ann. § 73-61-3.