15 Miss. Code. R. 19-60-1.1.3

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-19-60-1.1.3 - Definitions

The following terms shall have the meaning set forth below, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. "Board" shall mean the Mississippi State Board of Health.

2. "Council" shall mean the Mississippi Council of Advisors in Athletic Training

3. "License" shall mean the document of licensure issued by the Board.

4. "Athletic Training" means the treatment of an athlete for risk management and athletic injury prevention, the clinical evaluation and assessment of an athlete for an injury or illness, or both, the immediate care and treatment for an injury or illness, or both, and the rehabilitation and reconditioning of an athlete's injury or illness, or both, as long as those activities are performed under the direction of a licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant. The practice of athletic training does not include the practice of physical therapy, the practice of medicine, the practice of osteopathic medicine and surgery, the practice of nursing or the practice of chiropractic.

5. "Athletic Trainer" means a person licensed by the Department of Health as an athletic trainer after meeting the requirements of these rules and regulations who, upon the advice, consent and oral or written prescriptions or referrals of a licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant, carries out the practice of athletic training, and in carrying out these functions the athletic trainer is authorized to use physical modalities, such as heat, light, sound, cold, electricity or mechanical devices related to prevention, recognition, evaluation, management, disposition, rehabilitation and treatment. An athletic trainer shall practice only in those areas in which the athletic trainer is competent due to training or experience that can be substantiated by records or other evidence found acceptable by the board in the exercise of the board's considered discretion.

6. "Practice and Performance of Athletic Training" means functioning in the nonclinical and clinical setting under the direction of a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant, evaluating, treating, and providing appropriate immediate care and treatment to injuries incurred by an athlete during participation in or training for scholastic, recreational, professional, or sanctioned amateur athletic activities. Evaluation and treatment by an athletic trainer in the nonclinical setting to supportive staff, spectators, and other persons other than an athlete shall be limited to immediate care and treatment. An athletic trainer functioning in a clinical setting may evaluate and provide treatment for an athletic injury under the direction or referral of a licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant. An athletic trainer functioning in the nonclinical and clinical setting may use therapeutic exercise and modalities such as heat, cold, light, air, massage, water, sound and electricity for the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and the use of passive (manual and mechanical) techniques for the purpose of treatment.

7. "Athlete" means an individual who participates in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, flexibility, range of motion, speed or stamina; or an individual with an athletic injury that a licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant deems would benefit from athletic training services.

8. "Athletic Injury" means any injury sustained by a person as a result of the person's participation in sports, games or recreational activities requiring physical strength, flexibility, range of motion, speed or stamina, or comparable injury.

9. "Clinical Setting" means a hospital, department, outpatient facility, or clinic whose primary purpose is sports medicine, rehabilitation, or wellness.

10. "Nonclinical Setting" means a location where school, professional, recreational, or sanctioned amateur athletic activities are being held.

11. "Physician" means a physician licensed by the State Board of Medical Licensure.

12. "BOC, Inc.," means the Board of Certification, Incorporated, or its successor agency, the National Credentialing Agency of Athletic Trainers; formerly referred to as the National Athletic Trainers' Association Board of Certification, Inc.

13. "Act" means the Mississippi Athletic Trainers Licensure Act of 1991, Section 73-55-1 et seq. of Mississippi Code of 1972, annotated.

14. "Department" shall mean the Mississippi State Department of Health.

15 Miss. Code. R. 19-60-1.1.3

Miss. Code Ann. § 73-55-17.