Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-18-77-2.1.9 - Third Party Certifier1. Advanced treatment systems and other treatment technologies may be installed only if they have been tested and listed by a third party certifying program. Such advanced treatment systems shall be in compliance with standards for Class I systems as defined by the most current revision of American National Standards Institute/National Sanitation Foundation (ANSI/NSF) International Standard Number 40, hereby incorporated by reference. An approved third party certifying program shall comply with the following provisions in order for systems which it has certified to be installed in Mississippi: a. On and after October 1, 1996 an approved Third Party certifying program shall be accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). b. Have established procedures, which send representatives to a minimum of 1 distributor of each Manufacturer in Mississippi on an annual basis to conduct evaluations to assure the distributor of certified advanced treatment systems is providing proper maintenance, has sufficient replacement parts available and is maintaining service records. c. Notify the Division of the results of monitoring visits to manufacturers and distributors within 60 calendar days of the conclusion of the monitoring. d. Submit completed reports on testing and evaluation of each advanced treatment system verifying compliance with American National Standards Institute/National Sanitation Foundation (ANSI/NSF) International Standard Number 40. Such reports shall include but not be limited to the following: ii. Design and construction iii. Performance requirement (BOD, TSS, pH) iv. Operation and maintenance e. The Third Party certifying entity must be disassociated with, and have no vested interest in, the manufacturer to which certification services are provided. f. Information including specifications of each system and/or component part of the system as deemed necessary by the Department for review. g. Design, construction and reinforcement must comply and conform to applicable rules and regulations of Chapter 5 Subchapter 1.i. Septic tanks - The Division shall review, including an on-site inspection, the plans, specifications, and construction criteria and shall determine them to be in compliance with the regulation. h. Design, construction and reinforcement must comply and conform to applicable rules and regulations of Chapter 5 Subchapter 1. i. Holding tanks - The Division shall review, including an on-site inspection, the plans, specifications, and construction criteria and shall determine them to be in compliance with the regulation. i. Design, construction and reinforcement must comply and conform to applicable rules and regulations of Chapter 5 Subchapter 1. i. Non-waterborne System - Third Party certification that product has successfully completed testing and listing process as outlined in American National Standards Institute/National Sanitation Foundation (ANSI/NSF) International Standard Number 41. 2. Alternative Wastewater Technology - Treatment and/or disposal systems/products must be documented, reviewed and by the Division to verify compliance with the applicable standards.Disposal: All Manufacturers must provide a copy of installation and/or homeowner manual(s) for each of their products. Hydraulic calculations on an alternative system installation on all products that may be required to be pressurized as part of the dispersal process this includes but not limited to, Subsurface Drip, Spray Irrigation, Elevated Sand Mound, and normally gravity fed dispersal systems that would have to be pressurized. List of all component parts authorized for use in the installation of the product including but not limited to, elbows, connectors, geo-textile fabric, and methods of equal distribution. a. Aggregate Replacement System - The Division shall review, including an on-site inspection(s) if deemed necessary, the plans, specifications and construction criteria and shall determine them to be in compliance with the regulation. The Division shall require a complete design from primary treatment to disposal for the minimum and maximum sized system, this shall also include, pump chamber, pump chamber alarm(s), pump(s), filter(s), valve(s), air release(s), aggregate replacement product and connector(s). b. Subsurface Drip - The Division shall review, including an on-site inspection(s) if deemed necessary, the plans, specifications and construction criteria in order to determine compliance with the regulation. The Division shall require a complete design from primary treatment to disposal, this shall also include, pump chamber, pump chamber alarm(s), pump(s), filter(s), valve(s), air release(s), tubing and connector(s). This must be presented as a total package with hydraulics for the minimum and maximum sized system. c. Spray Irrigation - The Division shall review equipment intended to be utilized in the construction of spray irrigation systems to verify compliance with the regulation. The Division shall require a complete design from primary treatment to disposal, to include, pump chamber, pump chamber alarm(s), pump(s), filter(s), valve(s), spray head(s) and connector(s). This must be presented as a total package with hydraulics for the minimum and maximum sized system. d. Alternative Wastewater Technology - All alternative wastewater treatment and/or disposal systems/products must be documented and reviewed by the Division to verify compliance with the applicable standards. 3. Disinfection - The Division shall review, including an on-site inspection(s) if deemed necessary, the plans, specifications and construction criteria and shall determine them to be in compliance with the regulation. The Division shall require a complete design from primary treatment to disposal. 4. Effluent Filter - Design and construction must comply and conform to applicable rules and regulations of Chapter 5 Subchapter 1.15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-2.1.9