Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-18-77-2.1.41 - Certified Pumper Responsibilities:1. Notifying the Department within 10 working days of adding, replacing or deleting the inventory of vehicles for the purpose of updating application of any change in address, business partnership or affiliation, or any other status that affects his/her standing as a Certified Pumper. 2. Keep a record on all systems cleaned, pumped and disposed of by address, type of treatment unit, amount pumped, and receipt of disposal at waste treatment facility permitted by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). The proper cleaning of any septic tank or similar unit shall include the substantial removal of its contents. a. Discharge of septage or other liquid waste shall be allowed only at those specific locations designated by the owners/operators of approved disposal facilities. b. Discharge of septage or other liquid waste into a public sewage collection system, without the consent and permission of the owner/operator of such system, is prohibited. c. Records shall be made available at time of the inspection by the Department. Records must be retained for a minimum of 2 years. d. Provide authorization letter, from a Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) permitted facility upon inspection and/or request. 3. Deliver vehicle(s) to the appropriate county health office for inspection purposes. This will require the Certified Pumper to contact the county health office. 4. Keep available 5 dry gallons of Lime, ensuring spillage, pumping and transporting of septage or other liquid waste shall be delivered in a manner that is safe and does not create a nuisance or public health hazard. 5. Label the carrier tank "SEPTAGE AND LIQUID WASTE ONLY" at or near the inlet and outlet valve. The use of the carrier tank for other purposes is prohibited. The required lettering shall be a minimum of 2 inches in height. 6. Label vehicle with Name of the Company, address and certification number. The required lettering shall be a minimum of 2 inches in height. 7. Supervise employees and ensure that all systems for which the licensee is responsible shall be pumped and cleaned in accordance with Regulation and other applicable regulations, permits, and standards issued by the Department. 8. Training Program and Examination a. A person taking written examinations shall pay a fee as specified in Section 43-3-15(4)(e) for such testing as determined by the Department based on the actual costs of preparing and administering the examinations. b. A person taking a Department-sponsored training course or courses as specified shall pay the fee as specified in Section 43-3-15(4)(e) for such course as determined by the Department. Fees for such course or courses will be based on the Department's actual expenses in preparing course materials and conducting the training. This section is not intended to prevent or discourage training courses recognized by the Department and offered by entities other than the Department. In the case of training that is not directly sponsored by the Department, Applicants will pay appropriate fees to the sponsoring entity. c. Attendance of the Department's 1 day Certified Pumper Training Course. d. Applicant must achieve a score of 80% or better on the closed book examination. e. A person making application shall provide documentation that he has earned four (4) continuing education units (CEUs) or earn fifteen (15) PDH credits in a calendar year. For the purposes of this chapter, a CEU shall be equivalent to four (4) contact hours of instruction in subject matter and from sources prior approved by the Division. Each Certified Pumper shall be responsible for maintaining appropriate records and providing proof of credit earned. 15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-2.1.41