Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-18-77-2.1.39 - Certified Pumper Application1. A person may apply for certification by filing a complete application provided by the Division, attending and satisfactorily completing training program, providing proof of General Business Liability Insurance, submittal of vehicle inspection from the County Health Department and paying the inspection and application fees as specified in Section 43-3-15(4)(e). In addition, all Applicants shall list each approved disposal facility they intend to use. Written verification of permission to use each disposal facility shall accompany the application. 2. Prior to receipt of a certification, the Applicant shall complete an examination demonstrating his knowledge and comprehension of the Individual On-site Wastewater Disposal System Regulations. Within 30 days of passing the examination, the Certified Installer must submit Insurance and fee. 3. Certificates issued in accordance with this regulation shall not be transferable. Nothing within this regulation shall be construed to limit the power of any municipal, county, or governmental entity to enforce other license requirements or additional measures for the restrictions of persons in the business of removing and disposing of sludge and liquid waste from Individual On-Site Wastewater Disposal System(s). 15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-2.1.39