Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-18-77-2.1.30 - Certified Installer Responsibilities1. May not design, construct or install, or cause to be designed, constructed or installed an Individual On-site Wastewater Disposal System that does not comply with this chapter and rules and regulations of the Board. 2. Provide documentation and certification from the Manufacturer that a Certified Installer of alternative systems or products has been factory-trained and listed authorized representative. 3. Furnish proof of certification to a property owner, lessee, the owner's representative or occupant of the property on which an Individual On-Site Wastewater Disposal System is to be designed, constructed, repaired or installed by that Certified Installer and to the Department or its authorized representative, if requested. 4. Notify the Department at least 24 hours before beginning construction of an Individual On-site Wastewater Disposal System and, at that time, schedule a time for inspection of the system with the appropriate county Department. 5. Shall be present on the jobsite at the time of the scheduled inspection. 6. Covering his work with soil or other surface material unless the installer has received authorization to cover the system after an inspection by a county Department of health inspector. 7. Provide a signed affidavit from the Certified Installer, Certified Professional Evaluator or registered Professional Engineer and any additional required documentation that the system was installed in compliance with all requirements, regulations and permit conditions applicable to the system installed. The Affidavit must be given to the Applicant of the Notice of Intent. 8. Notify the Division within 10 working days of any change in address, business partnership or affiliation, or any other status that affects his/her standing as a Certified Installer. Such notice must be in writing or fax and must be delivered to the Division as soon as practicable after the effective date of the change. 9. Pay the require re-inspection fee. 10. Comply with National Sanitation Foundation/American National Standard Institute Standard 40 and Rule if providing maintenance. 11. Maintenance Provider Responsibilities a. Provide on all Advanced Treatment System, an affidavit from the property owner agreeing to a continuing maintenance agreement on the installed system at the end of the required manufacturer's maintenance agreement. b. Provide the property owner with a continuing maintenance agreement on all Advanced Treatment System in perpetuity. c. Furnish proof of certification to an individual before entering a contract with that individual for the continuing maintenance of an individual on-site wastewater disposal system. d. Provide 2 inspections annually to the homeowner. Each must include the homeowner name/address, date, time and list of components repaired or replaced. This report must be submitted to the Division on a yearly basis. e. Provide a sample contract and/or list of services to the Division, when requested. f. Submittal Reports i. Inspecting and evaluating Individual On-Site Wastewater Disposal Systems to determine if they are compliant with state law and being properly maintained. ii. Keeping accurate records of systems inspected and repaired. iii. Issuing inspection reports to property owners and the Division on a biannual basis from date of contract. 15 Miss. Code. R. 18-77-2.1.30