15 Miss. Code. R. 16-1-2.17.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-16-1-2.17.1 - Infection Control Procedures

Each PPEC center shall have written infection control procedures to include at least the following:

1. The PPEC center shall contain an isolation room with one large glass area for observation of the child. Isolation procedures shall be used to prevent cross-contamination. The room shall be equipped with emergency outlets and equipment as necessary to provide are to the child. A bathroom accessible to the isolation room but separate from the other PPEC center's rooms is required. Procedures must address that all equipment must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized when brought into the isolation room and upon removal from the room;
2. All cribs and beds shall be labeled with the individual child's name. Linens are to be maintained clean and in good repair and shall be removed for laundering whenever soiled or needed; however, laundering of all linens shall occur, at a minimum, on a weekly basis;
3. Antibacterial soap and disposable paper towels shall maintained at each sink. Policy shall address that staff shall wash their hands between each treatment and care interaction with a child for which the hands may become contaminated/soiled;
4. Children suspected of having a communicable disease, which may be contacted through casual contact, as determined by the facility's medical director, shall be isolated; the parent(s) shall be notified of the condition; and the child shall be removed from the PPEC center as soon as possible. When the communicable disease is no longer present; as written by a written physician's statement, the child may return to the PPEC center; and
5. PPEC center staff suspected of having a communicable disease shall not return to the PPEC center until all signs and symptoms which relate to the communicable disease are no longer evident, as evidenced by a written physician's statement.

15 Miss. Code. R. 16-1-2.17.1

Mississippi Code Annotated § 41-125-19
Amended 2/25/2016