15 Miss. Code. R. 14-70-6.1.5

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-14-70-6.1.5 - Issuance of Certificate of Registration
1. Upon determination that an applicant meets the requirements of these regulations, the Agency shall issue a certificate of registration. The certificate of registration shall be displayed in a conspicuous location that is visible to the customer and on the premises of the tanning facility.
2. The Agency may incorporate in the certificate of registration at the time of issuance or thereafter by appropriate rule, regulation or order, such additional requirements and conditions with respect to the registrant's receipt, possession, use, and transfer of tanning equipment and tanning facilities as it deems appropriate or necessary.
3. No person shall operate a tanning facility until the Agency has issued the certificate of registration and been paid the appropriate fee of $40 per bed or booth.

15 Miss. Code. R. 14-70-6.1.5

MS Code Ann. § 45-14-11
Adopted 8/18/2016