15 Miss. Code. R. 13-75-1.8.11

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-13-75-1.8.11

Tanks or vehicles transporting raw water for processing and bottling or processed water for bottling shall be sealed; and, in addition, for each shipment a shipping statement, invoice, or manifest shall be prepared by the dealer making the shipment indicating at least the following information:

1 Shipper's (dealer) name, address, and permit number.
2 Source and/or point of origin of shipment.
3 Tanker identity.
4 Name of product.
5 Net content.
6 Date of loading and date of shipment.
7 Name of supervising Health Authority at the source and at the point of origin if different.
8 Whether the contents are raw or processed.

15 Miss. Code. R. 13-75-1.8.11

Miss. Code Ann.§ 75-29-19