15 Miss. Code. R. 12-32-6.3.5

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-12-32-6.3.5 - Trauma Program Manager (TPM)
1. The Primary Pediatric Trauma Center must have a person to act as a liaison to the regional evaluation process to conduct many of the administrative functions required by the trauma program. It is not anticipated that this would be a fulltime role. Specifically, this person is responsible, with the TMD, for coordinating optimal patient care for all injured victims, both adult and pediatric. This position will ideally serve as liaison with local EMS personnel, the Trauma Care Region, and other trauma centers.
2. Compliance with the above will be evidenced by:
a. Attendance at and participation in the committee where trauma performance improvement is presented;
b. written job description of roles and responsibilities to the trauma program which include: management of the trauma program, monitoring of clinical activities on trauma patients, providing staff with trauma related education, implementation of trauma specific performance improvement and supervision of the trauma registry;
c. Documentation of collaboration with TMD in the development and implementation of trauma specific policies, procedures and guidelines.

15 Miss. Code. R. 12-32-6.3.5

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-59-5