15 Miss. Code. R. 12-32-6.1.15

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-12-32-6.1.15 - Facility Standards-Pediatric ICU (PICU)
1. Tertiary pediatric trauma centers must have a PICU that meets the needs of the pediatric trauma patient.
2. The surgical director for the PICU must have obtained critical care training during a residency or fellowship and must have expertise in the preoperative and post injury care of the injured pediatric patient. This is best demonstrated by a certificate of added qualifications in surgical critical care from the American Board of Surgery and may also be fulfilled by documentation of active participation during the preceding 12 months in pediatric trauma patient PICU care and PICU administrative and critical care-related continuing medical education. The director is responsible for the quality of care and administration of the PICU and will set policy and establish standards of care to meet the unique needs of the pediatric trauma patient.
3. The pediatric trauma service assumes and maintains responsibility for the care of the multiple injured pediatric patient. A surgically directed PICU physician team is essential. The team will provide in-house physician coverage for all PICU pediatric trauma patients at all times. This service can be staffed by appropriately trained physicians from different specialists, but must be led by a qualified surgeon as determined by critical care credentials consistent with the medical staff privileging process of the institution.
4. There must be in-house physician coverage for the PICU at all times. A physician credentialed by the facility for critical care must be immediately available to the pediatric trauma patient in the PICU 24 hours/day. This coverage is for emergencies only and is not intended to replace the primary surgeon but rather is intended to ensure that the patient's immediate needs are met while the surgeon is contacted.
5. The pediatric trauma service must maintain the responsibility for the care of the patient as long as the patient remains critically ill. The pediatric trauma service must remain in charge of the patient and coordinate all therapeutic decisions. The responsible trauma surgeon or designee should write all orders, maintain control over all aspects of care, including but not limited to respiratory care and management of mechanical ventilation, placement and use of pulmonary catheters, management of fluid and electrolytes, antimicrobials, and enteral and parenteral nutrition.
6. Tertiary pediatric trauma centers must provide staffing in sufficient numbers to meet the critical needs of the pediatric trauma patient. Critical care nurses must show evidence of completion of a structured in-service program. There must be a written plan ensuring nurses maintain ongoing trauma specific education. PICU nurses are an integral part of the pediatric trauma team and as such, should be represented on the Multidisciplinary Trauma Committee and participate in the PI process of the trauma program.

15 Miss. Code. R. 12-32-6.1.15

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-59-5