15 Miss. Code. R. 12-32-1.2.5

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-12-32-1.2.5 - Level IV Trauma Center Inspections

The Level IV trauma center inspection process shall consist of a review of the completed trauma center application, compliance with all of the "Essential" elements listed in the Mississippi Trauma Care Regulations Essential and Desirables Chart, and satisfactory review of specific trauma registry data reports as identified in the trauma center application. These documents shall be reviewed off-site by the Department's Division of Trauma staff. If the information contained in the completed application and the trauma registry data reports do not demonstrate compliance with the Mississippi Trauma Care Regulations, there will be a request for additional information and an opportunity to supply supplementary data/information for review. If this additional information does not demonstrate compliance with the Mississippi Trauma Care Regulations, an on-site survey inspection may be scheduled. At a minimum, the on-site team shall consist of one member of the Division of Trauma and one of the following representative disciplines: a physician specializing in trauma/emergency medicine or a trauma nurse. The member of the inspection team that is not a Division of Trauma staff member may reside and practice in Mississippi, however; they may not practice in any hospital or reside in any area of the trauma care region in which the applicant hospital is located.

15 Miss. Code. R. 12-32-1.2.5

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-59-5