Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-12-31-2.3.2 - Medical Control During Interfacility Transfers1. Once an emergency patient arrives for initial evaluation at a medical facility the patient becomes the responsibility of that facility, and its medical staff. This responsibility continues until the patient is appropriately discharged, or until the patient is transferred and the responsibility is assumed by personnel and a facility of equal or greater capability for the patient's existing condition.2. Should questions or problems arise during transfer, or in event of an emergency, one of the following (whichever is most appropriate based on service's approved Medical Control Plan) shall be contacted for medical guidance, as outlined in BEMS approved medical control plan: Online Medical Direction; Transferring Physician; or Receiving Physician.15 Miss. Code. R. 12-31-2.3.2
Miss. Code Ann. § 41-59-5