Pursuant to Section 43-20-1 et seq., of the Mississippi Code of 1972, Section 658(d) of the Childcare Development Block Grant Act of 2014, and Federal Rules and Regulations 45 CFR 98.43, a comprehensive, finger-print based, criminal history records check, consisting of a FBI national criminal history records check (NCIC), state criminal history records check (MCIC), state child abuse registry check, National Sex Offender Registry check (NSOR), a state sex offender registry check and an interstate check, if applicable, must be completed on all operators, employees, and prospective employees of a licensed, regulated, and/or registered childcare family home as well as all childcare providers eligible to deliver services for which Childcare Development Funds assistance is provided. Further, a comprehensive background must be completed every five years.
1. Before a prospective staff member may begin work in a childcare family home, a valid Letter of Suitability must have been issued by the MSDH Criminal Records Check Unit.2. Each licensed, regulated, and/or registered childcare family home provider will electronically access, monitor, verify, and maintain the suitability status of any submitted employee through the agency maintained website.3. If an individual has been separated from employment (break in service) in a childcare family home for more than 180 consecutive days a new comprehensive criminal history records check must be submitted and approved before the individual may begin work in a childcare family home.4. In the event a childcare applicant has a disqualifying event a letter of non-suitability will be issued. Both the childcare family home provider and the applicant will be notified through the agency- maintained website.5. Individuals under the age of 18 who are employed by a family home provider for compensation are required to complete a comprehensive background check.6. A comprehensive background check must be completed on any individual 18 years of age and older residing in a residence designated as a childcare family home.15 Miss. Code. R. 11-55-3.5.2
Miss. Code Ann. § 43-20-8