Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-10-76-3.5.2 - Operators1. All power boilers (over 15 psi) with fully automatic control, having a rated output of 1000 or more pounds of steam or vapor per hour and high pressure, high temperature water boilers, shall not be operated without being periodically checked by an operator at intervals of not less than once every two hours, regardless of whether or not the boiler is equipped with automatic feedwater regulator, fuel or damper regulator, high and low water alarm or any other form of automatic control while the boiler is in service.2. All power boilers and high pressure/high temperature water boilers without fully automatic control shall have a full-time operator while the boiler is in service. Operator -- a competent attendant who is familiar with the particular boilers to be operated and who has received proper instruction in their safe operation.15 Miss. Code. R. 10-76-3.5.2
Miss. Code Ann. § 45-23-9