Rule 13-2-8.20 - Officers And Employees(a) The Commission shall require an application for a finding of suitability and may require licensing of any officer or employee of a publicly traded corporation whom the Commission finds to be actively and directly engaged in the administration or supervision of, or any other significant involvement with, the activities of a corporate licensee.(b) The Commission may require an application for licensing or a finding of suitability by any officer or employee of a publicly traded corporation whose application is not otherwise required pursuant to subparagraph (a) of this regulation and Mississippi Code Annotated § 75-76-257, if the Commission determines that the policies of the state regarding gaming would be served by such action.(c) The following officers and employees of the publicly traded corporation are deemed to be actively and directly engaged in the administration or supervision of, and significantly involved with, the activities of the corporate licensee and therefore are required to be licensed or found suitable: 1. Each employee who is involved in gaming and who is also a director of the publicly traded corporation; and2. The president, any person performing the function of principal executive officer or principal operating officer, the principal accounting officer, and secretary. (Adopted: 09/25/1991; Amended: 10/27/2005.)Miss. Code Ann. §§ 75-76-263