Rule 13-2-2.9 - Notice To County Or Municipality; Objection By County Or Municipality(a) Whenever the Commission receives a completed application for a gaming license proposing to operate a gaming establishment in a particular county or municipality, the Executive Director shall, within ten (10) days after receipt of the application, notify the board of supervisors of the county and, if applicable, the chief executive of the municipality, in which the proposed operation will be located, of the receipt of the application, and specify the name of the applicant and the proposed location for the gaming establishment.(b) The county or municipality in which the applicant proposes to operate a gaming establishment may file a duly enacted resolution specifying any objections or endorsements with the Executive Director within thirty (30) days after receipt of the notice provided by the Executive Director pursuant to sub-part (a) above. (Adopted: 09/25/1991.)Miss. Code Ann. §§ 75-76-61, 75-76-63