Rule 13-2-2.7 - Officials Not To Hold Gaming Licenses Or Related Approvals(a) Prohibition. No state gaming license, finding of suitability, or approval, the granting of which requires an application to be made to the Commission, shall be held by nor granted to any person holding office in, or employed by, any agency of the State of Mississippi or any of its political subdivisions when the duties of such office or agency pertain to the enforcement of the provisions of the Act.(b) Inclusions. This regulation applies specifically, but without limitation, to the following categories of persons in gaming enforcement: 1. Persons affiliated with the attorney general's office of the State of Mississippi;2. Persons affiliated with any district attorney's office within the state;3. Persons affiliated with any sheriff's office or police department within the state;4. Members, agents, or employees of the Commission;5. Any member of the judiciary; or6. Any local City or County officials.(c) Waivers. The Commission may waive the prohibition contained within subsection (a) of this regulation if it makes a written finding that such waiver is not inconsistent with the state policy set forth in the Act, and the functions, duties, or responsibilities of the person otherwise restricted from holding the license, finding of suitability, or approval do not involve matters relating to the enforcement of the provisions of the Act.(d) Non-transferability Of Waivers. A waiver granted pursuant to this section is applicable only to the specific matter for which it is granted and shall not be transferable to any other license, finding of suitability, or approval applied for or held by the person otherwise prohibited from holding or being issued the same. (Adopted: 09/25/1991.)Miss. Code Ann. §§ 75-76-63, 75-76-67