Rule 13-12-5.6 - Applicant Suitability and Business Relationships(a) The Commission may deny an application or revoke, suspend, restrict, or limit a license when it finds that the applicant or a business relationship between an applicant and another person or business entity is unsuitable or endangers the health, safety, or welfare of the citizens of this state. In determining the suitability of an applicant or other persons or business entities in a business relationship, the Commission may consider the person or business entity's: 1. General character including honesty and integrity;2. Financial security and stability, competency, and business experience in the capacity of the relationship;3. Record of violations, if any, which may affect the legal and proper operation of charitable gaming including a violation affecting another licensee or applicant and any violation of the laws of this state, other states, and countries without limitations as to the nature of the violations;4. Refusal to provide records, information, equipment, or access to premises to any member of the Commission or any peace officers when such access is reasonably necessary to ensure or protect public health, safety or welfare; and5. Association or relationship to a licensed manufacturer, distributor, operator, charitable organization or commercial lessor.(b) The Commission may not issue a license to: 1. Any person who has been convicted of a felony or who presently has such charge pending in any state or country;2. Any person who has ever been convicted of a gambling-related offense in any state or federal court;3. Any person who has been convicted of a misdemeanor offense of any theft or related offense, convicted of issuing worthless checks, convicted of illegal possession of stolen goods, or convicted of false swearing or related offense or who presently has any such charge pending;4. Any person who is or has ever been a professional gambler;5. Any organization whose board membership is essentially the same as another; or6. Any firm, organization or corporation in which any person as described in sections 1 through 4 above is an officer or director, whether compensated or not, or in which such person has a direct or indirect financial interest. Miss. Code Ann. §§ 97-33-57 and 97-33-81.