All disbursements related to bingo operations shall be made only by electronic transfer or check drawn on this special bank account, with the sole exception of prize payouts of under Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) per prize. All written checks shall be made payable to a specific person or corporation, and no written check shall be made payable to cash. All electronic transfers drawn against the bingo account must be approved in writing by the bingo supervisor or designated alternate, and all written checks drawn against the bingo account must be signed by the bingo supervisor or designated alternate supervisor on file with the Commission. Only expenses authorized by statute are allowed and all disbursements from the separate bingo account must be in strict compliance with established policy of the charitable organization. All disbursements including any electronic transfers, must be fully supported by permanently filed receipts, invoices, or other sufficient documentation and must be properly and accurately recorded.
13 Miss. Code. R. 10-5.3