12 Miss. Code. R. 9-5.4

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 12-9-5.4 - Bid Receipt and Bid Opening
5.4.1Receipt and Register of Bids

Each bid received, in any manner so received, shall be date-stamped but not opened, and shall be stored in a secure place until the time and date set for bid opening.9 The Agency shall create a register of the bidders and the time and date their bid was received.

5.4.2Bids to Remain Sealed

The Agency is also responsible to ensure that all bids remain sealed until the bid opening in the format in which they are submitted.

5.4.3Late Bids

Any bid received after the time and date set for receipt of bids is late. No late bid shall be considered for an award unless the Agency has determined, in writing, that considering such a bid is in the Agency's best interest and does not prejudice the other bidders.

5.4.4Bid Opening

Bids shall be opened in the presence of one or more Agency officials on the date and time designated in the IFB. Bids should notbe opened publicly. The name of each bidder and such other information as is deemed appropriate by the Agency shall be recorded. This information shall be available to the public via the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983 as discussed in Section 1.5.

9 Storage in a secure place requires bids be stored in such a manner that:

(1) all timely submitted bids are available, in full, to the Agency official primarily responsible for the procurement at the time of the bid opening, and
(2) the bids remain unopened at the time of the bid opening or, where the bids could not remain unopened in order to be available for the bid opening (e.g., submitted electronically and had to be printed), the bids have not been accessed prior to the bid opening to any person other than the Agency official primarily responsible for the procurement.

12 Miss. Code. R. 9-5.4

Adopted 5/7/2018
Amended 9/6/2024