12 Miss. Code. R. 6-6.102.08
The hearing officer shall prepare a written determination recommending a course of action. Such determination shall be given to the Chief Procurement Officer or the head of a purchasing agency. Copies shall also be sent to the contractor or prospective contractor, the Attorney General, and the affected using agency. The contractor or prospective contractor shall have seven days to file comments upon the hearing officer's determination. The Chief Procurement Officer or the head of a purchasing agency may request oral argument. After consultation with the affected using agency and the Attorney General, the Chief Procurement Officer or the head of a purchasing agency shall issue a final decision. Both the hearing officer's determination and the final decision shall recite the evidence relied upon. When debarment is recommended or ordered, the reasons for such action, and to what extent affiliates are affected, shall be set forth. In addition, the final determination shall inform the debarred person of its rights to administrative review.
12 Miss. Code. R. 6-6.102.08