12 Miss. Code. R. 6-

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 12-6- - General

A multi-term contract is appropriate when it is in the best interest of the State to obtain uninterrupted services or firm pricing for commodities extending over more than one fiscal period, where the performance of such services involves high start-up costs or where a changeover of service contractors involves high phase-in/phase-out costs during a transition period. The multi-term method of contracting is also appropriate when special production of definite quantities of supplies for more than one fiscal period is necessary to best meet the State's needs, but funds are available only for the initial fiscal period. Special production refers to production for contract performance which requires alteration of the contractor's facilities or operations involving high start-up costs. The contractual obligation of both parties in each fiscal period succeeding the first is subject to the appropriation and availability of funds thereof. The contract must provide that in the event that funds are not available for any succeeding fiscal period, the remainder of such contract shall be canceled.

12 Miss. Code. R. 6-

Adopted 1/1/2018