Normally the Invitation for Bids Packet will be divided into the following sections:
This section is sometimes referred to as the "boilerplate". This section includes instructions and information which should be considered by the bidders. This information is standard for all bids and may include how to complete and submit the bid forms, how errors will be handled, how to obtain clarification of the specifications, etc.
This section includes instructions and information which is pertinent and unique to the particular Invitation for Bids. This may include special delivery requirements, bonding, installation, etc. This section should include information concerning the method used to evaluate and award the contract (i.e., all or none, line item, life-cycle-cost, etc.)
This section should clearly describe the minimum requirements and any testing requirements.
A bid form should be provided so that all bidders are submitting pricing in a similar format. Instructions on the proper completion of the bid form should be included if needed.
The packet should include a page for the bidder to complete showing bidder information such as name, contract administrator, address, phone, e-mail, fax, etc. This should also include a space for the bidder to provide a signature indicating the bidder's acceptance of the terms and conditions and commitment to honoring the prices bid.
12 Miss. Code. R. 6-