12 Miss. Code. R. 4-1.3
All contracts, other than those for contract workers paid through SPAHRS, entered into or amended on or after July 1, 2009, must contain the following combined language for e-Payment and e-Invoicing:
The State requires the Contractor to submit invoices electronically throughout the term of the agreement. Vendor invoices shall be submitted to the state agency using the processes and procedures identified by the State. Payments by state agencies using the Statewide Automated Accounting System (SAAS), or any specific successor system (MAGIC) shall be made and remittance information provided electronically as directed by the State. These payments shall be deposited into the bank account of the Contractor's choice. Contractor understands and agrees that the State is exempt from the payment of taxes. All payments shall be in United States currency.
12 Miss. Code. R. 4-1.3