12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-400.11

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 12-3-20-400.11 - SUSTAINABILITY POLICY

(added 7/18/08; modified Jan 2015 & .C & .D)

Sustainable design seeks to reduce negative impacts on the environment and optimize use of non-renewable resources. In order to optimize site potential, conserve water, minimize energy consumption, promote use of local and environmentally preferable products, the Bureau has set forth the following policy for sustainable design for state-funded buildings throughout the state, in accordance with Code Section 31-11-35.

1. Development of inappropriate sites shall be avoided where possible.
2. Repair and renovation of existing facilities and/or expansion/redevelopment of currently developed sites shall be given preference to development of virgin sites.
3. Development of sites shall be executed with the goal of maximizing open and/or vegetative space and minimizing heat islands.
(a) Solar Reflectance Index for paving and roofing materials shall be a consideration for product selection.
(b) Inclusion of trees in parking lot designs which will provide shade within five (5) years of occupancy shall be a consideration.
1. Specification of indigenous and/or drought resistant plants shall be considered to reduce dependence on potable water irrigation systems.
2. High efficiency plumbing fixtures shall be specified where feasible. Waterless fixtures are not required or preferred.
1. Each major facility project shall be designed and constructed to meet or exceed the baseline requirements of the ASHRAE 90.1-2010 or any more stringent Code edition [See 400.1] adopted by the Department of Finance and Administration/Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management. [Code Section 31-11-35] For the purposes of this requirement, a major facility project is defined as:
(a) From July 1 through December 31, 2009, any new construction project larger than twenty thousand (20,000) gross square feet
(b) From January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2010, any new construction project larger than fifteen thousand (15,000) gross square feet
(c) From January 1, 2011, through December 31, 2011, any new construction project larger than ten thousand (10,000) gross square feet
(d) From January 1, 2012, and thereafter, any new construction project larger than five thousand (5,000) gross square feet
(e) Any repair and renovation project which involves more than fifty percent (50%) of the replacement value of the facility where compliance is cost-effective and practical.
2. Exempt from this requirement are any major facility projects which do not have conditioned space as defined by ASHRAE 90.1. [Code Section 31-11-35]
3. Where compliance of an otherwise applicable repair and renovation project is deemed to be either not cost-effective or not practical, such determination, including written justification shall be recorded in the Minutes of the Board of the Governing Authority (for Bureau of Building, et al, projects, documentation shall be via Standard Approval Form).
4. All major facility projects shall be commissioned by a Commissioning Authority Professional independent of the Prime Professional for the project to assure that all energy related systems are installed, calibrated and perform according to project requirements and the Contract Documents. The Commissioning Authority Professional (individual and firm) shall be registered to practice engineering in the State of Mississippi and shall be either certified by the Building Commissioning Association as a certified commissioning professional and/or accredited by the University of Wisconsin-Madison as a commissioning process provider.
1. Where materials, finishes, furnishings, and other products made in or incorporating materials produced in Mississippi meet project requirements, the Professional shall include such products in the specifications. [Code Section 31-11-35(b)]
(a) Where both Mississippi manufactured products and non-Mississippi manufactured products are identified as equals, product origin shall not constitute a bid preference.
(b) Where only one Mississippi product meets project requirements, this shall not justify single source exception from bidding requirements. [Mississippi Code 1972, Annotated, Sec. 31-7-13-m(viii)]
(c) A listing of Mississippi manufacturers is available from the Mississippi Development Authority www.mississippi.org
2. Where materials, finishes, furnishings, and other products with recycled content are available, are cost-effective and meet project requirements, Professional shall consider specifying these products over comparable products without recycled content.
(a) Where both recycled content products and products without recycled content are identified as equals, recycled content shall not constitute a bid preference.
(b) Where only one manufacturer meets recycled content goal, this shall not justify single source exception from bidding requirements. [Mississippi Code 1972, Annotated, Sec. 31-7-13-m(viii)]
3. Where materials, finishes, furnishings, and other products with low volatile organic compound emissivity are available, are cost-effective and meet project requirements, Professional shall consider specifying these products over comparable products with higher volatile organic compound emissivity.
(a) Where both low VOC products and higher VOC products are identified as equals, VOC emissivity shall not constitute a bid preference.
(b) Where only one manufacturer meets low VOC goal, this shall not justify single source exception from bidding requirements. [Mississippi Code 1972, Annotated, Sec.31-7-13-m(viii)]
4. Where materials, finishes, furnishings, and other products containing rapidly renewable materials are available, are cost-effective and meet project requirements, Professional shall consider specifying these products over comparable products without rapidly renewable material content.
(a) Where both rapidly renewable content products and products without rapidly renewable content are identified as equals, rapidly renewable content shall not constitute a bid preference.
(b) Where only one manufacturer meets low rapidly renewable content goal, this shall not justify single source exception from bidding requirements. [Mississippi Code 1972, Annotated, Sec. 31-7-13-m(viii)]

12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-400.11

Adopted 11/25/2016
Amended 3/15/2021