12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-300.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 12-3-20-300.1 - PROJECT INITIATION

After requests have been submitted by the Institutions, Agencies and Departments and have been reviewed by the Bureau Staff, Projects receiving funding must be officially documented on a Standard Approval Form - Record of Action as shown in the sample below:



'99 Roofing Program105-999

The Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management approved the following:

(a) Initiating the following new repair and renovation project:

Project # 105-999 Title: '99 Roofing Program

(b) Total Project Budget: $200,000.00

Scope: Reroof Buildings X, Y and Z located on the Mississippi State University campus.

(c) Transferring $100,000.00 to subject project from the 1999 General Fund Account.
(d) Executing a contract with the following Professional firm:

Professional Assignment:

John Smith & Associates, P.A.

Jackson, Mississippi (AW-PP001)

Contract Type: C

(e) Appointing the following Consultant for the Professional - John Smith & Associates, P.A.:

Asbestos Consultant:

Irving Levin Asbestos Consultant

Jackson, Mississippi

(f) Establishing a Receivable in the amount of $100,000 to be received from the University.



$ 180,000.00



OT001: Advertisements





$ 200,000.00


1999 General Funds

$ 100,000.00

MSU Receivable (Funds To Be Received: $100,000)



$ 100,000.00

When a Project is initiated, certain pertinent information is assigned to that Project on the Standard Approval Form - Record of Action and cannot be changed without the written permission of the Bureau.

* Project Classification

* Funding Source

* Transfer of Funds

* Professional Assignment

* Consultant Assignment

* In House Project

* Estimated Project Budget

* Funds Available

* Originator

* Approval

1.Project Classification: Projects are classified as Capital Improvement, Repair and Renovation, Furniture and Equipment, or Land Acquisition. [See Section 200.]
a.Project Number: This Number should appear on all subsequent documents and correspondence. Project numbers have six (6) digits. The first three (3) digits identify the Institution, Agency, or Department. The last three (3) identify a specific project.
b.Project Title: Project's Title should appear on all subsequent documents and correspondence. This Title is as important as the Project Number for identification and legal purposes.
2.Funding Source: Depending on legislative action, funding sources may vary from line item, discretionary, repair and renovation, preplanning, or outside contribution. [See Section 200.]
a.Scope: The Scope of the Project is based on the request submitted by the Using Agency and may not be altered without the Bureau's written approval.
3.Transfer of Funds: Transferring the funds to the Project is a depository procedure in order to place the funds in the Project for expenditure.
4.Professional Assignment: A Professional is selected through the selection process and assigned a fee schedule. [See Section 400.]
5.Consultant Assignment: If the Professional requires the assistance of a Consultant, one may be assigned. Once a Consultant has been approved by the Bureau, no changes may be may without the Bureau's written approval.
6.In House Project: If the Using Agency has personnel to perform the planning process outlined in this Manual, the Using Agency may serve as the Professional and will receive no fee for the services provided.
7.Estimated Project Budget: Initially, each Project is given an estimated budget. The Professional will submit a revised estimated budget after the planning process begins. The Estimated Project Budget should remain within the funds available and may not exceed this amount without the Bureau's written approval.
8.Funds Available: The Standard Approval Form - Record of Action will show the total funds available at any given time during the life of the Project.
a.Receivable: The Using Agency should notify the Bureau of its intent to send funds to support the Project, the amount and the kind of funds.
9.Originator: The Bureau Staff member assigned to the Project will initiate the Standard Approval Form and be responsible for correlating all data during the life of the Project.
10.Approval: The Bureau Director has the responsibility of approving all official actions of the Bureau. No Standard Approval Form - Record of Action is official until it has been approved and signed by the Bureau's Director.

12 Miss. Code. R. 3-20-300.1

Adopted 11/25/2016
Amended 3/15/2021