12 Miss. Code. R. 2-2.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 12-2-2.2 - Availability of Records

Any records created by or provided to the State containing information about outstanding, unpaid warrants issued by the State are confidential and not available for public inspection to the extent that the Treasurer of the State and State Fiscal Officer determine that confidentiality is necessary to protect the interests of the payee, the State and the public welfare.

To this end, all records created by the State containing information about outstanding, unpaid warrants issued by the State are deemed confidential and shall not be made available for public inspection until published by the State Treasurer as unclaimed property pursuant to Mississippi Code Ann. § 89-12-23 and § 89-12-27.

12 Miss. Code. R. 2-2.2

Mississippi Code Ann. § 7-7-1et seq., Mississippi Code Ann. § 89-12-23 and §89-12.27.
Adopted 12/30/2017