11 Miss. Code. R. 8-8-2-A-6-III
The aggregate of areas with less than seventy percent ground cover must not exceed five percent of the release area. These areas must not be larger than one acre and must be completely surrounded by desirable vegetation which has a ground cover of seventy percent. Ground cover must be measured over the entire area which is proposed for release. Areas void of desirable vegetation may not be larger than 1/4 acre and must be surrounded by desirable vegetation which has a ground cover of seventy percent.
The success standard for the tree and shrub stocking rate shall be determined on a specific permit basis with consultation and approval of the Mississippi Forestry Commission. Also, eighty percent of the countable trees and shrubs must have been in place for three years. The permittee must provide documentation of this in the form of paid receipts, reclamation status reports, and normal correspondence. The inspection section shall also verify plantings by noting in their inspection reports planting dates of specified areas.
The tree and shrub stocking rate shall be sampled once during the last year of the five-year responsibility period.
11 Miss. Code. R. 8-8-2-A-6-III