Ground cover must be measured over each noncontiguous area which is proposed for release. The aggregate of areas with less than 90 percent ground cover must not exceed five percent of the release area. These areas must not be larger than one acre and must be completely surrounded by desirable vegetation which has a ground cover of ninety percent. Areas void of desirable vegetation may not be larger than one quarter of an acre and must be surrounded by desirable vegetation which has a ground cover of ninety percent.
Production shall be considered acceptable if it is at least ninety percent of the approved success standard, at a ninety percent statistical confidence level, for any two of the last four years of the five year responsibility period. If a reference area is used, the standard will be the annual crop yield for the reference area for the same year that the yield for the release area is being measured. If the permittee chooses to use a technical standard for determination of crop productivity, the permittee shall use the most current USDA/NRCS soil survey for the county where the mining operation is located. Actual crop specific yield will be from Table 5 of the county soil survey. See Addendum W.
Reference area pasture must be under the same management as pasture in the reclaimed area.
This means:
Reference areas shall consist of a single plot (whole plot) at least four acres in size. Either statistically adequate subsampling or whole plot harvesting may be used to determine yields.
Reference plot crop yields must be at a level which is reasonably comparable to the county average for the given crop. Reference plot yields which are less than eighty percent of the county average are highly suspect and may be rejected.
Reference areas may be used as a standard for several mines or bond release areas in the vicinity, with prior approval of the Permit Board. Reference areas may be located on undisturbed acreage within permitted areas. If not so located, the permittee must obtain from the landowner(s) a written agreement allowing use of the property as a reference area and allowing right of entry for any authorized representative of the Department.
11 Miss. Code. R. 8-8-2-A-4-III