Rules 1,7,8
Example of format for summarizing sampling circles information.
Page _____of_____
Company name________________________________________________________________
Permit no.____________________________________________________________________
Land use ____________________________________________________________________
Date(s) of sampling____________________________________________________________
Acres in release area___________________________________________________________
Area of each sampling circle in acres______________________________________________
No. of sampling circles used (n)__________________________________________________
Total no. of countable trees tallied ([NI]x)____________________________________________
Total no. of countable trees 3 years or older ([NI]3 years)_______________________________
% of trees 3 years or older = [NI]3 years/3x = _________________ This figure must equal (from or exceed 80% to be Sampling successful for final
Circles bond release. Data Sheet(s)
total number of countable trees per acre ([NI]x) / n x 50 =
Target number of trees per acre from approved Phase III Release Plan =
Miss. Code. tit. 11, pt. 8, ch. 2, app 11-8-2-A, 11-8-2-11-8-2-A-F, Part 1