All water pollution control projects funded by the WPCRLF must comply with the following requirements. Non-point source pollution control projects and estuary management projects must comply with these requirements to the extent described in the loan application and loan agreement, as established by the Department.
Prior to execution of the option to purchase and/or filing condemnation, the loan recipient must submit an appraisal and secure Department approval of the purchase price.
By the dates established in the loan agreement, the loan recipient must secure approval of the plans, specifications and contract documents for each contract by the Department. The Department will approve the plans, specifications, and contract documents upon determining that these documents appear to:
By the date established by the Department in the loan agreement (based upon 90% of construction contract time) the loan recipient must enact the approved user charge system and ordinance and submit proof of enactment.
The loan recipient must provide for adequate observation of all parts of the project by the engineer or his staff and must require the engineer's assurance that the work is being performed in a satisfactory manner in accordance with the WPCRLF loan agreement and the approved plans, specifications, contract documents and approved change orders.
The Department is authorized to observe the construction of any project at any time for compliance with the terms of the loan agreement and to determine if the loan recipient and engineer appear to be assuring that plans, specifications and contract documents are being followed. Such observation will not subject the Department to any legal action for claims, damages or any other liability. Such observation will not release the contractor from any obligation to perform the work in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents, or the engineer from determining compliance with the requirements of the contract documents, or the loan recipient from insuring compliance with the contract and the terms of the loan agreement.
The contractor, engineer, and the loan recipient must furnish the Department with every reasonable opportunity and means for determining whether the loan recipient and engineer are assuring that the work is in accordance with the requirements of the approved plans, specifications and contract documents. The Department is authorized to observe and require submission by the loan recipient of daily logs, record drawings, file notes, and any other documents prepared in relation to the WPCRLF funded project.
The loan recipient may, at its discretion, execute change orders pertaining to the construction that are necessary under the circumstances, as provided in the contract documents and when in accordance with state law. Contract price, time, quantity, and specifications may only be changed by change order. Change orders must not change, vary, or alter the basic purpose or effect of the project. Change orders must be technically adequate and conform to Department design guidance and regulations. Eligible/ineligible costs must be appropriately separated.
After completion of the change order negotiation process and/or claims resolution between the loan recipient and the contracting party, an executed change order must be submitted to the Department for review and approval, in order to obtain a WPCRLF loan eligibility/allowability determination.
If any change order is submitted to the Department that is not complete and executed by the loan recipient, the contracting party, and the engineer if appropriate, the Department may return such change order without review. However, unilateral change orders executed by the loan recipient, and the engineer if appropriate, and identified as such, that are issued in accordance with the contract documents may be submitted to the Department for review and approval, in order to obtain a WPCRLF loan eligibility/allowability determination.
The loan recipient may submit a complete change order which has been executed conditional upon a WPCRLF loan eligibility/allowability determination by the Department.
If possible, approval of a change order should be secured from the Department before the work is started, particularly for change orders including time extensions. Approval may also be secured after the work is started; however, the loan recipient must bear the cost if the work is later determined to be ineligible or unallowable.
When the eligible cost of a project will be significantly reduced by a change order(s), the Department may issue an amendment to the loan agreement decreasing the loan amount, and the loan recipient must execute the amendment within the time frame established by the Department.
Justification for all contract time extensions need not be submitted to the Department unless the total time extensions for the contract exceed 25% of the original contract time.
In the event of a contractor bankruptcy or default, any proposed agreements with the bonding company (other than the bonding company serving as general contractor or hiring another contractor acting as their agent) must be submitted for a WPCRLF loan allowability determination by the Department prior to execution. If the loan recipient determines that re-award of the construction contract or a portion thereof is necessary due to contractor bankruptcy or default, such proposed re-award contracts must be submitted for a WPCRLF loan allowability determination by the Department prior to execution. The loan recipient will be responsible for assuring that every appropriate procedure and incidental legal requirement are observed in advertising for bids or otherwise re-awarding a construction contract, if this course of action is taken.
Where any construction contract is dependent upon another to function, the requirements of Rule 7.3.D.(2) and (3) and E.(1) of these regulations must be met for all such construction contracts in order for the related design and land acquisition costs for the dependent contract to be requested and paid. No further payments may be requested and paid except as allowed below.
Where any construction contract is dependent upon another to function, all such executed construction contract documents and notice(s) to proceed must be submitted in order for the related professional services costs for the dependent contract to be requested and paid.
For any construction contract that is dependent upon another to function, upon receipt of all such executed construction contract documents and notice(s) to proceed, payments for allowable construction work may be requested and paid based upon in-place work or materials and equipment delivered to the construction location and as supported by invoices and verified as accurate by the engineer and loan recipient, less any retainage.
An administrative fee in the amount of five percent (5%) of the final loan principal amount will be collected from the loan repayment amounts to defray the costs of administering the WPCRLF program. Beginning with the initiation of the repayment process and until such time that the total administrative fee is collected, the interest portion of each repayment will not be charged, and, in lieu of the interest portion, an equal amount of the repayment will be collected as the administrative fee.
11 Miss. Code. R. 6-7.3